Sunday, July 26, 2009

DOG FAQ - What is deafness in Dalmatians about?

Unfortunately about 8% of Dalmatian puppies are born bilaterally deaf (deaf in both ears). Deaf puppies do not normally make good pets. While some people have owned deaf dogs, the majority of people we have talked with said they would NEVER do it again. Another 22% of Dalmatian puppies are born unilaterally deaf (meaning they hear in only one ear). Unilaterally hearing puppies or unis as we call them, make wonderful pets but we do not believe they should be bred. Unis can hear but their directional hearing is compromised. Indoors most unis can compensate for the their lack of directional hearing because sound waves bounce off the walls of your home. Outdoors, in big open areas, they can hear the sound of your voice calling them, but would not be able to distinguish where the sound is coming from. By waving your arms when calling a uni outdoors, this problem is solved. Most people who own unis would not even know their dog had a hearing problem if the breeder had not told them! This is why hearing testing is so important in Dalmatians. Sometimes a uni can fool even the most experience breeder.

Dalmatian - Dog Lover

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